4. Revenue  >  Less Than 2-Steps Forms

Include less than 2-steps forms to reduce SaaS churn

Make it simple and easier for users to upgrade to a paid plan. Let them upgrade plan in two steps and remove all barriers that cause friction. A major reason for high churn is friction in the upgrading process.



Insound increased its checkout conversions by 54% with a minor tweak.


Intuit added a live chat option on its checkout page which increased conversions by 20%.


Starngeloopnetworks increased conversions by 66% after removing extra pages from its checkout process.

How to use the technique

  • Use existing data to simplify the process. You have personas, you have their usage statistics, you have enough personal details, and behavioral data. Use it to make the entire process simple and effective. If you don’t know how to do it, grab our free churn optimization framework
  • Reduce the number of steps. The steps a user has to take to convert from free to a paid customer should be minimized. If you have payment details, it should be a one-step process. If you don’t have payment details, it shouldn’t have more than two steps. You can minimize churn with this simple technique.
  • Reduce form fields. Form fields add friction. Keep the form short. Remove unnecessary fields. You'll get all the time to get more details after they will convert.
  • Add progress notification. Let users know how many steps are left. It will reduce churn and they will be more likely to complete the transaction.
  • Continuous improvement is the key to success. Keep removing barriers as long as it improves conversions. Read this free guide to get more details on how to do it practically.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Adding distractions. A big mistake is related to adding distractions that make users churn. Remove everything that’s not needed from the process.
  • Asking for irrelevant information will increase the churn rate because it irritates users. And while they're busy adding information, they might lose attention and might leave in the middle.


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Research evidence

Baymard conducted a survey to understand why consumers leave cart without paying. Over 26% of consumers reported that they will leave a website if the checkout process is long or complicated. Removing friction and making the checkout process convenient is a sure way to improve conversions and reduce churn.


According to Baymard, this is exactly how many people get so tired with your long and lousy checkout flow that they leave and never get back.

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