May 11, 2019

Set Customer Expectations

3. Retention  >  Set Customer Expectations

Set customer expectations to reduce SaaS churn

Setting customer expectations lower than what you can deliver is the best approach to reduce churn. Customers churn when you fail to meet their expectations so don’t overpromise. Set crystal clear expectations upfront.



Skype clearly tell users what to expect when they purchase a Skype number.


Customer Success Box has a video that shows visitors how the software looks like and what they should expect.


Constant Contact has a huge list of features with pricing details to let visitors know upfront what exactly they will get with their selected plan and what they won’t get.

How to use the technique

  • Understand customer expectations. This should be easy because you have buyer personas. Ask customers and users directly after they sign up. Use our free churn optimization framework to master the art of marketing research. 
  • Start early. When new user signups for a free trial, the expectations are already set. Focus on your marketing strategy. What expectations your marketing (and sales) team are setting? Work from the beginning to ensure you don’t experience a high churn rate.
  • Optimize content including ad copy. The copy of the landing page, ad copy, and content published across various channels are how you develop customer expectations. Optimize content and copy to set clear expectations.
  • Encourage customers to read terms and policies. Clearly state everything in terms and policies. Tell customers you have added relevant information and it’s essential to go through these pages.
  • Communicate and engage. It is the crux. Even if you have developed high expectations, you can still overcome them with constant communication via blog posts, social media, email, etc.
  • Create a help section so customers can understand more about your app. It is an indirect approach to setting appropriate expectations.
  • Get feedback from customers to understand their expectations and how these are developed. Identify content pieces and tweak them if there are any content out there that’s not consistent with your strategy.
  • Improve your app to meet customer expectations. It’s hard to change customer expectations once set, however, you can amend your app. Make it consistent with expectations. Improve it. Here is a free actionable guide for more details.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Creating hype in the early days of launch is where things get out of control. Train your marketing teams and copywriters. Tell them what your app is all about so they can do it right.
  • Sales-focused marketing approach. When you focus on sales, signups, and new customers and don’t look at other metrics, your marketing and sales team will naturally set unrealistic customer expectations. A sales-focused approach should be coupled with intensive training.

Research evidence

Allon, Bassamboo, and Gurvich published an article in the Operations Research journal that focused on managing customer expectations. The findings revealed that when businesses share service delay or outage announcements with customers, it improves their probability and improves expected utility. Setting customer expectations is a predictor of a firm’s profitability.


When businesses share service delay or outage announcements with customers, it improves their probability and improves expected utility

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


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May 11, 2019

Interview Customers Often

3. Retention  >  Interview Customers Often

Interview customers often to reduce SaaS churn

Your customers are the best judge. Interviewing them will help you identify loopholes. You get data for decision-making. You get to know what exactly you should do to improve user experience and reduce churn.



Woodpecker conducted 65 interviews to get feedback from customers.


Groove increased the conversion rate by 2% when it tweaked its copy based on feedback from customer interviews.


Moz increased sales by 52% after conducting live interviews with customers.

How to use the technique

  • Identify triggers for interviews. For example, when a customer uses a feature, when a customer updates information, when a customer unsubscribes from the newsletter, etc. When a customer has experienced something or an action is taken, you’re more likely to get real feedback. Refer to our free churn optimization framework for step-by-step instructions. 
  • Customize interviews. Don’t be a robot. Refer to customer’s recent activities and usage details in the interview. This will improve the response rate and engagement.
  • Ask relevant actionable questions that will help improve retention and reduce churn rate. Questions that your data analysis team cannot use for inference are useless.
  • Conduct interviews from all types of customers. This is a must. Satisfied customers tell you what they like while dissatisfied customers identify potential loopholes.
  • Have a schedule. Conduct two interviews a year per customer. It lets you keep them engaged and will reduce churn.
  • Discuss – not ask. Don’t name it an interview explicitly. It will reduce the response rate. Just call your customers and have friendly chitchat.
  • Measure results and use data for decision-making. After making a change based on customer feedback, measure performance. Did it really reduce churn? Collect feedback again. It is a continuous process. You can read this free actionable guide to improve your analytic skills.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Not conducting interviews with happy customers. It’s a big mistake. Your happy customers are more likely to share honest and actionable feedback than unhappy customers. Don’t ignore them.
  • Making it too formal. A formal question answer call will ruin the response rate. Keep it informal to get better feedback.


Stop Your SaaS From Leaking Customers With Our Proven Optimization Process

We will reveal an EXACT framework we use to improve conversion & retention rates of our SaaS clients by at least 30%.


Research evidence

An article published in Harvard Business Review by Peter Kriss discussed the importance and value of customer experience – and measuring it. Customers having the best experience with a brand spend 140% more than customers having a poor experience with the same brand. Collecting actionable data from your customers (both happy and unhappy) is the key to increase retention.


This is how much more customers having the best experience spend in comparison with people having a poor experience with the same brand.

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


Download our FREE guide with the battle-tested process for SaaS conversion & retention optimization

Get a PDF with an exact step-by-step framework we use with our SaaS clients to research why their SaaS is leaking money, define optimization opportunities and run data-driven experiments that bring tangible ROI.

May 11, 2019

Ensure A Superb UX

3. Retention  >  Ensure A Superb User Experience

Ensure a superb user experience to reduce SaaS churn

Superior user experience makes using your app easier. It boosts engagement, retention rate, and reduces churn. User engagement is the most important metric for user retention which is driven by great UX.



Clearbit improved its trial conversions by changing the design and simplifying it.


SE Ranking improved its user experience which increased subscribe rate by 25%.


Vicer increased its conversion by 75% after a series of a small UX improvements.

How to use the technique

  • Understand your customers. User experience is all about your current customers. How they use your app? What are their needs? Are they able to get what they want from your software? Use analytics and usage details to understand customers better. Use our free churn optimization framework for details. 
  • Heuristic evaluation to improve UI. Does your app inform users of what’s going on, does it support undo and redo, is UI and UX consistent, is it easy enough for users, are errors and bugs communicated in understandable language, and do users have access to support documents? If not, incorporate them.
  • Collect feedback from customers. This is the best way to understand them, improve UX, and reduce churn. Use email surveys, in-app questionnaires, and social media surveys to collect feedback related to UX.
  • Constant improvement of UI and UX. Don’t stop. Keep improving UI and UX. Not only will it reduce churn but it improves engagement. Customers feel they're not being ignored.
  • Improve customer support as it’s related to user experience. Offer live chat. Be active on social media. Monitor brand mentions. Interact with customers on multiple channels.
  • Send regular emails to customers. Keep them engaged. This is a perfect technique to improve the retention rate. Informative emails packed with quality content works best.
  • Measure app engagement. Are customers actively using your app? Are there any features that they don’t use at all? A decline in app engagement means customers won’t stick and might churn. Measuring app engagement will help you take precautionary measures on time.
  • Tweak your app because this is the only way to improve UX and provide users with something new every time they sign in. Don’t hesitate. Test different features and UI tweaks. Measure performance with A/B tests. Read our free guide on testing and tweaking your app. 

Mistakes to avoid

  • Not investing in UX. Don’t ever do it. It is absolutely essential for your app’s survival. Invest in UX without a second thought. You won’t regret it.
  • No usability testing. Don’t make the mistake of implementing new UI and UX tweaks right away. They might backfire. Make the best use of usability testing.


Stop Your SaaS From Leaking Customers With Our Proven Optimization Process

We will reveal an EXACT framework we use to improve conversion & retention rates of our SaaS clients by at least 30%.


Research evidence

Sonderegger and Sauer conducted an experiment to measure the impact of UI design on user performance and perceived usability. It was found that phones that were visually pleasing were rated more usable than their counterparts. Well-designed phone reduced the task completion time. User experience is a critical predictor of usability and performance.


In the experiment on theimpact of UX/UI design on performance and perceived usability, better designed phones were rated more usable than their counterparts.

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


Download our FREE guide with the battle-tested process for SaaS conversion & retention optimization

Get a PDF with an exact step-by-step framework we use with our SaaS clients to research why their SaaS is leaking money, define optimization opportunities and run data-driven experiments that bring tangible ROI.

May 7, 2019

Conduct Exit Interviews

3. Retention  >  Conduct Exit Interviews/Surveys

Conduct exit interviews/surveys to reduce SaaS churn

Don’t let customers walk away just like that. Get feedback via surveys and interviews, and use it for improvement. Understanding more about users who leave will help you improve the retention rate of the existing customers.



Groove switched from exit surveys to exit interviews which increased the response rate by 785%.


Papercut has 4-items in its exit survey that lets them understand why a particular user is leaving them.


SketchUp has a 3-item exist questionnaire that it sends to users who uninstall the app. Short and accurate.

How to use the technique

  • Create structured surveys. While questions should be general but it’s a great idea to add personalized questions based on user’s interaction with your app. Twist the survey for personalization. Read our free churn optimization framework to get better and conducting research. 
  • Send survey emails at the right time. Send immediately as soon as a user cancel the subscription. Delaying survey email won't yield appropriate feedback. Reach out when they're more likely to remember everything about their interaction with your app.
  • Keep it concise and relevant. The survey needs to be to the point without any fluff. Remember, the users have already churned and any time they spend with your business is of no importance. So make every second count. Make sure the exit survey has no more than 5 questions.
  • Seek permission for an interview call. Though you have their number, don’t call without permission. Schedule a call through email. Don’t label it as an interview call.
  • Let the user speak in an interview. Ask questions. Don’t argue. They have already left. Use call for feedback and leave the retention part on your retention team.
  • Ask relevant questions. What did they like? Did they use the core feature? What feature your software is missing? These questions will help you reduce churn rate.
  • Make improvements based on feedback. Can you add the most demanded feature in your app? Can you tweak a feature as per user’s demand? Improve your app and measure its impact. This is the free guide that you should read for more information.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Mixing exit feedback with retention. An exit interview or survey isn’t for the purpose to retain rather it’s for data collection. Its purpose is to get feedback from users who are no more part of your business.
  • Not taking the necessary actions. Exit feedback is only good when you value the feedback and take appropriate actions to improve your services and software. Not taking improvement measures is one mistake you need to avoid.


Stop Your SaaS From Leaking Customers With Our Proven Optimization Process

We will reveal an EXACT framework we use to improve conversion & retention rates of our SaaS clients by at least 30%.


Research evidence

Spain and Groysberg in their article published in Harvard Business Review emphasized the importance of conducting exit interviews. They shared best practices to follow when conducting exist interviews including method, timing, frequency, approach, and conversation styles to get better results from interviews.


Make opinions of your leaving clients count. Try to hear real reason and don't get upset if it's not related to your product.

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


Download our FREE guide with the battle-tested process for SaaS conversion & retention optimization

Get a PDF with an exact step-by-step framework we use with our SaaS clients to research why their SaaS is leaking money, define optimization opportunities and run data-driven experiments that bring tangible ROI.

May 7, 2019

Write Relevant Emails

3. Retention  >  Write Emails That Are Relevant

Write emails that are relevant to reduce SaaS churn

Nothing beats relevant and personalized emails for customer retention. Reducing churn and making customers stick to your software gets easier with emails that keep them engaged.



Sleeknote sends a highly personalized email to customers when their credit card is about to expire.


Duolingo sends informative content to its users for engagement and to build a relationship. Nothing promotional.


Buffer sends a progress email to customers showing them a high-performing tweet.

How to use the technique

  • Segment customers based on multiple variables such as demographics, usage, behavior, etc. Segmentation makes personalization easier and effective. Don’t forget using buyer personas. Our free churn optimization framework has actionable instructions for further help, get it now. 
  • Create segmented email campaigns to retain customers, engage them, and to ensure they don’t churn. Personalize email content, format, and schedule based on segmentation. Deliver value with amazing content and make sure there's a meaningful email order.
  • Recommend relevant upgrades. Use data to upsell and cross-sell relevant upgrades that customers cannot refuse.
  • Use website tracking for behavioral targeting. For instance, if a customer used a feature for the first time, send an actionable guide via email for further guidance. This is the type of personalized emails that retain customers.
  • Craft amazing copy. Email is all about its copy. Whether it’s informative content or a promotional email, it should have a great copy.
  • Add powerful CTAs to achieve email campaign objectives. What’s the point of sending personalized emails if customers don’t click? Make CTAs relevant and prominent.
  • Measure success. Is there a particular type of email content that performs better? Is there are a segment that has the highest open rate and CTR? Use analytics to measure the success of your campaigns. We have crafted a powerful guide on testing and analysis, grab it now. 

Mistakes to avoid

  • Sending generic emails is a big NO. Don’t send a single email to all the customers. Make emails relevant and personalized. That’s how it will help you retain them by building relationships.
  • Spamming customers. Sending too many emails. Sending irrelevant emails. Send 1-2 emails a week. Avoid sending too many promotional emails.


Stop Your SaaS From Leaking Customers With Our Proven Optimization Process

We will reveal an EXACT framework we use to improve conversion & retention rates of our SaaS clients by at least 30%.


Research evidence

According to Adobe’s report on The ROI from Marketing to Existing Online Customers 40% of revenue of ecommerce retailers in the US is generated by 8% repeat customers. Repeat sales account for a significantly high revenue during the holiday season. It’s all about connecting with existing customers.


This is the enormous cut that are generated by a repeat sales to existing customers. The number spikes up even higher in a holiday season.

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


Download our FREE guide with the battle-tested process for SaaS conversion & retention optimization

Get a PDF with an exact step-by-step framework we use with our SaaS clients to research why their SaaS is leaking money, define optimization opportunities and run data-driven experiments that bring tangible ROI.

May 7, 2019

Implement Retention Loops

3. Retention  >  Implement Retention Loops

Form a habit with retention loops to reduce SaaS churn

Link your app to customers’ habit so they continue using it unintentionally. You can create a habit loop that includes a cue, reward, and routine that make users engaged. Retention gets a whole lot easier with these loops.



Pinterest has created a habit loop based on users habit of seeing and sharing relevant content.


Slack has formed a habit that has made it one of the fastest growing workplace software.


Survey Monkey has a simplified loop consisting of 5 steps: Sign up, survey creation, send a survey, show landing page at the end of the survey, and new signups.

How to use the technique

  • Link your app with a habit. Can your app create a habit or link to an existing user habit? Creating a new habit is far more challenging than tweaking an existing habit. Identify a habit based on buyer personas. Use our free churn optimization framework to learn more.
  • Find a cue. What is the primary motivation that makes customers use your product? Find a single cue that is most relevant to a habit.
  • Make taking action easier. Cue leads to action. Make it easier for customers to use and access your app and take necessary action that will retain them.
  • Pick a reward that users get after taking action. The reward should be instant and relevant to users. It should be as per user expectation.
  • Create a loop. Cue, action, and reward create a loop that develops a habit. Your app has to be at the center of the habit.
  • Use it for retention. The whole point of creating a habit loop is to reduce churn. It should be easy-to-follow and should solve the user problem.
  • Tweak and improve your loop. Does it retain users? Is it actually reducing churn? Do users actually consider it as a habit? Monitoring performance and taking feedback from users will help with improvement. Our free PDF is your best learning source.

Mistakes to avoid

  • The reward isn’t appealing enough for users. It is all about the reward. The habits help users achieve a reward. Make the reward attractive.
  • Not using it for growth. Not using habit loops to convert customers into loyal lifetime customers is a big mistake. Use loops for customer retention and exponential growth.
  • Not paying attention to the ethical side of the question. Make sure new habits introduced by your product aren't holding users back from their life.


Stop Your SaaS From Leaking Customers With Our Proven Optimization Process

We will reveal an EXACT framework we use to improve conversion & retention rates of our SaaS clients by at least 30%.


Research evidence

Neal, Wood, and Quinn did research on how habits drive consumer choices and influence behavior. As much as 40% of actions humans take on a daily basis aren’t well-thought decisions rather habits. The actions consumers take are mostly driven by their habits and thus, are not based on active decision-making.


This percent of everyday activities human take because of their habbits. Those don't really enable rational decision-making, 

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


Download our FREE guide with the battle-tested process for SaaS conversion & retention optimization

Get a PDF with an exact step-by-step framework we use with our SaaS clients to research why their SaaS is leaking money, define optimization opportunities and run data-driven experiments that bring tangible ROI.