4. Revenue  >  Send Usage Overview

Send usage overview to reduce SaaS churn

Increasing free to paid conversions gets easier when you regularly remind users about the benefits they are getting on real examples from their experience. Usage overview emails and in-app prompts keep users motivated for conversion.



SoundCloud shares usage details with its users’ right in its app with a clear CTA.


Google Drive has a permanent usage stat in its footer with a clear CTA.


Zendesk sends purely informative usage overview emails that motivate users to use more of their app.

How to use the technique

  • Send timely reminders. Create an email sequence based on usage details. Personalize reminders. Use data from buyer personas for personalization. Our free churn optimization framework will show you how to do it practically.
  • Use in-app notifications. Emails aren’t enough, send in-app notifications on usage details. Show expiration date and time so users don’t churn unintentionally.
  • Add a CTA. A clear call to action in the email to upgrade the plan is an absolute must. Usage overview without a CTA won’t tell users what they're supposed to do next.
  • Send usage tips. Tell users how they can use remaining free resources. Send actionable tips with the benefits of using more. If they will keep using it, they won’t churn and will be more likely to convert to a paid plan.
  • Show how to upgrade to remove limitations. Usage overview emails and notifications should have clear instructions on how to upgrade to use the software without any capacity restrictions.
  • Track conversions. It is all about converting free users to customers. Implement a tracking code to measure the impact of individual emails and notifications on conversions. Here is a free resource to learn more about our approach to research & tracking.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Overdoing it. Sending too many usage tips and overview notifications isn’t recommended. Don’t spam. Send notifications on regular intervals (after a couple of days).
  • Not persuading to upgrade. The whole purpose of sending usage over is to motivate users to convert. Share usage details with a strong CTA to persuade users to convert.


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Research evidence

Harvard published an article where they argued that the more a user uses free service, the more likely one is to convert to premium. Sending usage details with an intention to persuade users to use more service (because they're getting it free) and to let them know of expiration (if they're already enjoying it) will improve conversions.


According to Harvard's Research, thhe more a user uses free service, the more likely one is to convert to premium. So don't be greedy!

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


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