3. Retention  >  Write Emails That Are Relevant

Write emails that are relevant to reduce SaaS churn

Nothing beats relevant and personalized emails for customer retention. Reducing churn and making customers stick to your software gets easier with emails that keep them engaged.



Sleeknote sends a highly personalized email to customers when their credit card is about to expire.


Duolingo sends informative content to its users for engagement and to build a relationship. Nothing promotional.


Buffer sends a progress email to customers showing them a high-performing tweet.

How to use the technique

  • Segment customers based on multiple variables such as demographics, usage, behavior, etc. Segmentation makes personalization easier and effective. Don’t forget using buyer personas. Our free churn optimization framework has actionable instructions for further help, get it now. 
  • Create segmented email campaigns to retain customers, engage them, and to ensure they don’t churn. Personalize email content, format, and schedule based on segmentation. Deliver value with amazing content and make sure there's a meaningful email order.
  • Recommend relevant upgrades. Use data to upsell and cross-sell relevant upgrades that customers cannot refuse.
  • Use website tracking for behavioral targeting. For instance, if a customer used a feature for the first time, send an actionable guide via email for further guidance. This is the type of personalized emails that retain customers.
  • Craft amazing copy. Email is all about its copy. Whether it’s informative content or a promotional email, it should have a great copy.
  • Add powerful CTAs to achieve email campaign objectives. What’s the point of sending personalized emails if customers don’t click? Make CTAs relevant and prominent.
  • Measure success. Is there a particular type of email content that performs better? Is there are a segment that has the highest open rate and CTR? Use analytics to measure the success of your campaigns. We have crafted a powerful guide on testing and analysis, grab it now. 

Mistakes to avoid

  • Sending generic emails is a big NO. Don’t send a single email to all the customers. Make emails relevant and personalized. That’s how it will help you retain them by building relationships.
  • Spamming customers. Sending too many emails. Sending irrelevant emails. Send 1-2 emails a week. Avoid sending too many promotional emails.


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Research evidence

According to Adobe’s report on The ROI from Marketing to Existing Online Customers 40% of revenue of ecommerce retailers in the US is generated by 8% repeat customers. Repeat sales account for a significantly high revenue during the holiday season. It’s all about connecting with existing customers.


This is the enormous cut that are generated by a repeat sales to existing customers. The number spikes up even higher in a holiday season.

Related techniques SEE ALL THE TECHNIQUES >


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